3 Best eyebrow tips for a glaring look
Almost every woman desires to look good these days, and one sure way of having that gorgeous, elegant look is through having an improved, fuller, darker, and thick eyebrows. There is no doubt that having longer, darker, and thick eyebrows are now the desire of most women. However, one of the questions that surround eyebrow growth treatment is; which eyebrow make up is capable of giving that stunning and attractive look to its users and most importantly, enjoy your beautiful eyebrows.
Well, most people looking for how to improve their eyebrow resort to either using an eyebrow pencil, Tattooing or making use of eyebrow growth serum.
In this article, we are going to look at all three and compare the pros and cons to know the best eyebrows make up suitable for anyone looking for how best to make up for a sparse or broken eyebrows.
Eyebrow pencil:
Some people who are looking for ways to improve on their brows steadily employ the use of eyebrows pencils, a product that has been loved and used by generations for drawing hairs on the eyebrow.
Pros: It is simple and easy to maintain. Eyebrows pencils are also great at filling in any gaps
Cons: Most a times, they look a little bit waxy, which makes them easily noticeable as fake.
Eyebrow makeup kits such as brow pencils and powders are very great at filling gaps and holes in scanty eyebrows. However, there are varieties of products on the market that may not fit in so well in giving you the expected result. Moreover, the best way to fix thinning eyebrows for a lasting solution is to invest in a top serum for eyebrow that is capable of growing and rejuvenating your eyebrow.
Unlike makeup kits, brow enhancers do the magic by supplying your eyebrow hair follicles the needed vitamins and protein they need to grow. This helps the hair to grow out stronger and healthier.
Most people who are looking for ways to boost their eyebrows also employ the use of tattoos. This involves tattooing eyebrows permanently unto their skin, which makes their eyebrows look fuller, thick, and dark depending on the color of the tattoo and mode of application.
Pros: Just like normal tattoos are permanent, this technique of boosting your eyebrow with tattoo is also permanent. Hence, you do not need to worry about doing your brows each morning. It is also both sweat and water resistance.
Cons: As this treatment is permanent, it can be complicated if anything goes wrong. More so, the process is costly and requires regular touch up as the years come by.
Eyebrow Serum:
Is so true that there are many ways to boost and grow your eyebrows to achieve the brows of your dreams. However, applying a top serum for eyebrows is one sure way you can be guaranteed of having a nicely laid out arches.
So, if you are looking to give your eyebrows an elegant look, is the right time you invest on eyebrows enhancing serum that have the required fatty acid and conditioning peptides capable of providing your brows the required boost.
Pros: They are very easy to use and safe for eyebrows extension. They are mostly formulated with the required ingredients suitable for healthy eyebrow growth. As well, they have the required vitamin to promote the growth of fuller and healthier eyebrows.
Cons: Most eyebrow growth product are expensive, and as well there can be badly formulated eyebrows products that are capable of damaging your eyebrows.

Best eyebrows serum have a well-written direction for users. However, anyone who wants to grow thick and voluminous eyelashes must have to know that consistency and patience is the key.
However, if you are looking for a product formulated with ingredients that are well known to improve hair health and skin, Nourishbrow brows growth serum is something you would love to have. It’s free from harmful phthalates, and sulfates, and can give you the desired result within months of use. To get it, click the button below.
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